
5 steps to deal with loss (step 3 is the key)

Dealing with loss

How many times do we have to face the prospect of change, and the even more dreaded aspect of “Moving on”. The many times we have cringed at the words “Move On” indicates that this is not an easy thing.

 The times when “Move On” becomes tough are usually those associated with some pain. Pain reflected in…

Grief: A sense of loss of something or someone we love

Guilt: A burden we carry due to either a hurt we have caused someone or a time we feel we let down those counting on us.

Suffering: Circumstances in the present that may be due to poverty, illness, addictions that just don’t let us be free

 So now how do we – Move On

 First deal with it. Wait, what’s that? Yes there are steps which you can follow to deal with the loss…

 1. Accept the occurrence of the loss

 Usually after losing something that you love dearly your mind may just refuse to let you accept the loss. A sense of denial may occur, that relies on a false sense of hope that all will fall into place. This can be the biggest roadblock to actually moving on. Accepting what happened, and recognize why it happened

 2. Grieve

 Let yourself experience the sorrow, if you have to cry.  Somethings are just not hurried, let yourself enough time to deal with the whirlwind of emotion. Time does really allow healing , so take it knowing that your God is with you.

 3. Reach out to your best lifeline - GOD

Psalm 34:18 ‘The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’ 2Corinthian 1: 3-4 ‘ God of all comfort. He is always watching over you’ Psalm 121:3 “ He can heal your broken heart’. Our darkest moments of grief can lead us to even greater intimacy with God and there are amazing treasures to be found at such times. It is often in suffering that we learn to pray our most authentic, prayers. Pain does not allow for superficial prayers.

 4. Learn

 Every moment of life gifted to us, is an experience that adds to us. Experience that lets us grow, experiences that God has allowed for you to understand your purpose better. So don’t waste it by not learning from it.

 5. Look Ahead

Psalm 30:5  ‘Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.’ Psalm 84 :11 ‘No good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.’ . And mostly Psalm 23 ‘The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.’

 God only takes away the lesser to give the greater. Eph3:20 ‘This too shall pass’,
So remember you’ve got something amazing to look forward to, and God will reveal it in due course.

 Ofcourse the most important like everything else is to rely on the Grace of God…

 Grace to move on from being in Sin

Look at Mary Magdalene, she moved on from her grave sin as a prostitute rejected by the society and even had the privilege to be 1st to encounter Jesus after his resurrection.

 Grace to move on from grief

John the loyal apostle of Jesus moves on from his grief of losing someone to whom he was loyal till the end. He was the beloved disciple who arrived first with his peace of never leaving Jesus. He was the only apostle who died out of natural death.

 Grace to move on from guilt

Peter,moved on from his guilt from denying Jesus three times. Instead of ruminating about his failure.He moved on and bounced back. He became the first Pope of the Holy Catholic Church.

Finally the Grace to move on like Jesus

He moved on from his suffering and death. He fulfilled his promise that he will rise again after 3 days to show us the way to Heaven. His wounds led to our healing.


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